[Coco] Re: OS-9 Configuration Program

Ward Griffiths wdg3rd at comcast.net
Mon Sep 12 23:20:39 EDT 2005

On 09/12/2005 08:58 pm, farna at att.net wrote:

> Sometimes I wish I'd have kept my CoCo, but I hardly have time for hobbies
> now!!

Frank, you publish a magazine for AMC enthusiasts.  If that's not a hobby, 
what is?

Yes, I've owned both a Gremlin and a Pacer.  I'm not an enthusiast.  In fact, 
I acquired an acute dislike for all AMC and most International brand vehicles 
when I was a pump jockey shortly before and during the first "gas crisis" in 
'73.  They tended to puke gas before the pump clicked off and I was usually 
standing there, since "self service" was at the time just a rumor in the 
trade mags.

> --
> Frank Swygert
> Publisher, "American Independent
> Magazine" (AIM)
> For all AMC enthusiasts
> http://farna.home.att.net/AIM.html
> (free download available!)

Ward Griffiths    wdg3rd at comcast.net

But today doctors are as dependent on Medicare and Medicaid as their
patients are.  The great narcotic of the welfare state has caused
consumers and doctors alike to lose faith not only in the free market
but also in the concept of voluntary charity.  Everyone has lost faith
in himself and in others.  -- Jacob Hornberger

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