[CoCo] OT - Hams & Plans

Roger Merchberger zmerch at 30below.com
Mon Sep 12 14:40:39 EDT 2005

Rumor has it that James C. Hrubik, Sr. may have mentioned these words:

>So, in a small way, maybe this is CoCo related, if it leads to more 
>discussion of battery-powered CoCos.

Well, if you're popping up this thread to get Homeland [in]Security to fork 
over cash for all of us to get 63C09 upgrades, I'm all for it.

>I think, though, that the people on this list probably have a good deal of 
>expertise, scattered world-wide, as to how to revive power and 
>communication services after such a disaster.  Feedback?

However, I would think that the Tandy Model 10x/200 would be a much more 
feasible option:

1) already designed for battery power
2) you don't have to hack in a low-power display
3) a *lot* of hams already use 'em
         (see http://www.club100.org/mtralist.html)
4) a *real* RS-232 port, easier to write packet applications for, even in Basic
5) smaller & easier to pack a few into a lead box, just in case. ;-)
5.5) Better keyboard than any stock CoCo. ;^>


And now that they have the ability of having *more* memory than a stock 
CoCo3 (I now have one with 2Meg RAM, and 4Meg Flash ROM! :-)) I would think 
that putting more work into that platform would give more fruitful results 
_quicker_ than trying to hack up a CoCo[123] to work like a laptop.

This, of course, is JMHO.

Roger "Merch" Merchberger

Roger "Merch" Merchberger  --  SysAdmin, Iceberg Computers
zmerch at 30below.com

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