[Coco] Why DECB is important to OS-9 folk.

Alex Evans alxevans at concentric.net
Sun Sep 11 20:28:40 EDT 2005

Maybe it is because I think in a different way from others, but I  
never have found basic use of OS-9 to be difficult in any way.  Sure  
there are complexities in taking full advantage of your particular  
configuration, or to customize your system.  Assuming that OS-9 is  
more complex to use than DECB (something that I am not convinced  
of).  We need to figure out how and why before we start to try to  
simplify it.  As for translating error codes, there is a poor  
correspondence between the two sets because OS-9 is an operating  
system, and DECB is primarily a programming language.

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