[Coco] Why DECB is important to OS-9 folk.

Robert Emery theother_bob at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 9 15:18:31 EDT 2005

> OS-9/NitrOS-9 is an OS not a language. Don't look for OS-9 one liners 
> but Basic09, C, or Pascal one liners. Basic09 is no harder than Disk 
> Basic to learn and is much more powerful.

I know, I was being a bit facetious there I guess... Regarding B-09, C and
Pascal,  all being compiled languages I don't think we'll see any One-Liners
there either. Of course I've seen OS-9 commands that were longer than some
Basic one-liners. ;)

If I could make a wish...
I'd like to see a "hybrid" Basic where we could type in and run programs at
will and then compile them for the speed and size benefits. I believe this has
been done, not sure about platform or compatibility.


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