[Coco] Why DECB is important to OS-9 folk.

Robert Gault robert.gault at worldnet.att.net
Mon Sep 5 07:22:54 EDT 2005

There used to be a "Dummies Guide" when Tandy was selling the "Complete 
Rainbow Guide to -" but I doubt that those are now available. The 
NitrOS-9 project is trying to put together similar documentation but it 
is a big job. "Getting Started with NitrOS-9" and "the NitrOS-9 Level 2 
Windowing System" are currently available at http://nitros9.org/

More documentation can be seen in preliminary form by browsing the 
project at http://cvs.nitros9.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb.cgi/docs/

Glen VanDenBiggelaar wrote:
> Far be it for me to actually start a discution about this, But as a 
> newbe OS-9 and now Nitros-09, I am trying jsut to muddle through the 
> manuals and PDFs. I have not had much experence with "command line" 
> programs other than simple IBM Dos from my 486 days, then it was strait 
> into "Windows for workgroups 3.11".
> My point (or question prehaps) is that Is there a "simple" guide or 
> toutorial for beginners to ether OS-9 or (better yet) Nitros 9? I mean i 
> just can't go and by "NitrOS 9 for Dummies" book at my local store.

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