OS-9 as Replacement for DECB. Was: [Coco] Portal-9 IDE

Ray Watts rayanddoraleew at earthlink.net
Thu Sep 1 16:59:54 EDT 2005

I don't think the documentation is online.  Does Glenside still have the 
rights to B & B stuff?  I could send you a copy ... unforch it will be 
in about 45 days, at least.

Robert Emery wrote:

>--- Ray Watts <rayanddoraleew at earthlink.net> wrote:
>>Have either of you considered using Burke & Burke's RSB as the base for 
>>your operations and working from there?  If that pans out, it would give 
>>you the best of both worlds.  Matter of fact, Bob Emery, have you ever 
>>attempted to run FOG from RSB?
>I have not, but would be interested to know if it will run in that environment.
>The installer may need some tweaking before it will proceed... simply need to
>bypass the rom version check. Is the documentation for RSB online?
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