[Coco] [Color Computer] [Rainbow on Disc] Update for September

Michael Wayne Harwood michael at musicheadproductions.org
Fri Sep 2 12:10:29 EDT 2005

August proved to be a very difficult month for the forward progress of the
Rainbow on Disc project.  I have had many work and personal responsibilities
that have precluded my working on the project as much as I would have liked.
I work as a sysadmin and had two weeks of being on call for my company -
that kept me busy enough that almost nothing got done during that time.  My
labor day weekend will be spent on an extensive "honey do" list and I hope
to be back in the swing and putting in 1 to 2 hours a day on the project
starting on Wednesday of next week..
I have completed scanning in the first two years of the Rainbow, and I am in
the process of cleaning up the images and putting them into the .djvu
format.  From here on out I will be doing a magazine at a time rather than
stacking them up for later processing.
I will be sending out monthly progress updates, so if you don't see me being
active on the list don't assume I am not around.  
Michael Harwood

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