[Coco] CUBIX on the CoCo?

Robert Gault robert.gault at worldnet.att.net
Sat Oct 29 10:08:27 EDT 2005

It looks to me that any of the Coco assemblers can handle the Cubix 6809 
code with a few exceptions, FCCZ and the use of SSR for examples. I 
think the FCCZ might be the same as FCS. SSR is a macro meaning send a 
numeric  action code to $E00B.

The main problem will be to recognize that much of the source is not 
labeled as source. The EXAMPLE directory files are all .asm but the OS 
files, some ending in .os other without extensions are all 6809 source code.

Dave Dunfield wrote:
>>I'm not familiar with CUBIX, but i like the idea (and the challenge)  
>>of porting a new OS to the CoCo!  If I had the time, I would consider  
>>it, but I am overcommitted as it is with NitrOS-9 and things outside  
>>of the CoCo, like school.  I think it would make a very interesting  
>>semester project for a student, though.
> As noted previously, I'm happy to assist if anyone is interested in
> doing this.
>>One thing I am curious about: what tools would be used to assemble  
>>the OS source and the needed block and term I/O routines?  Don't you  
>>have a set of Windows based tools for assembling 6809 code?  Check  
>>out ToolShed (www.nitros9.org/toolshed).  We have a 6809/6309  
>>assembler as part of the package.  It may be of interest to you or  
>>whomever may be considering taking up the CUBIX port.
> Um ... It has been one of my main lines of business to produce development
> tools for many different embedded/8-bit processors, including the 6809
> (see www.dunfield.com) - I have assemblers, C-compilers, debuggers, simulators
> and a whole plethora of tools for over a dozen processor families including
> the 6809.
> The CUBIX source code is all written 6809 assembly language, and assembles
> with my PC hosted 6809 cross assembler - with a little bit of work, it
> should also assemble on the 6809 under the ASM assembler which is part of
> Regards,
> Dave

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