[Coco] Copying a memory dump from MESS to a floppy and...

John Guin johnguin at hotmail.com
Thu Oct 20 16:15:59 EDT 2005

..just thinking out loud here.  I saw some recent posts about the
difficulty of making DSK files from copy protected disks, and started
thinking about the memory dump feature of MESS.

Would there be a way to write some sort of driver for the Coco that
-loads before any given app loads
-when invoked, does a straight memory dump to floppy
-or, can load a memory dump from floppy?

Once you had the mem dump, you could (conceivably) load it into MESS, thus
actually copying (or at least bypassing) the copy protection scheme.  

I doubt I'm being very clear with my description, but can some of the folks
out there who are smarter than I can figure out what I'm trying to say.  And
then they can tell my why it would not work :)


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