[Coco] Mindroll

Neil Morrison neilsmorr at hotpop.com
Tue Oct 18 00:01:25 EDT 2005

I'm guessing it's a patch applied before the code is relocated. Some Pak 
code was relocatable and would run anywhere but most was not. Wish I could 
help more.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Willard Goosey" <goosey at virgo.sdc.org>

>>But AFAIK, you have to run the ROMPAK in all ram mode, so the code runs 
>>C000 on up.
> Then what effect does patching $4xxx have?  (Which is where most, if
> not all, the patches are.)
> I'm not trying to be a smarta$$ here... I'm obviously confused about
> *something*...
> I mean, presumably, you get the ROM image into low RAM somewhere,
> either using a tape or MPI method, patch it, then save it with an
> offset to put it back at $C000 when it's loaded again.   That's how it
> worked for Thexder and some other ROM paks that I have transfered to
> disk.
> But those patches are given as absolute addresses ($4xxx) without
> mentioning where those patches are relative to the beginning of the
> image.

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