[Color Computer] [Coco]Re: Transfer utilities

Gene Heskett gene.heskett at verizon.net
Sun Oct 9 21:40:30 EDT 2005

On Sunday 09 October 2005 21:07, jdaggett at gate.net wrote:
>Actually I have not priced any lately. I just added the tidbit in to
>show that the contrtollers were somewhat more versital than many
>I still have TSC Flex on an 8 inch floppy. I would imagine it has bit
>rooted a little since it has not been accessed since the mid 80's.

And if you did try to read them now, I would expect to have to put in a
cleaner disk to pull the assorted crud and oxidation from the heads
before they would read a disk reliably.  And some of those old drives
were belt drive, and at this late date the starting torque would probably
break the belt.  I used to keep a couple of them around, just in case
since we ran the socks off of them and belt stretch and slippage was a
major problem, those 8" disks are hard to turn when all the lube has long
since dried out.

You could replace the belt drive 810's with direct drive 860's, but the
same hard to turn disk would also defeat them by causeing the drive to
slip on the hub.  I had to jury rig more closing pressure on the rosette
to get that under control.

Cheers, Gene
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Copyright 2005 by Maurice Eugene Heskett, all rights reserved.

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