[Coco] Ideas for a Graphics Project

Boisy G. Pitre boisy at boisypitre.com
Wed Oct 19 13:57:08 EDT 2005

I'm taking a 3D graphics programming class this semester and have to  
give a presentation related to the subject matter.  Naturally, I  
insist on bringing the CoCo into it somehow, so I've decided on a  
topic that has been approved: a look at the evolution of 3D graphics  
systems on home computers.

In part of my presentation I want to run the CoCo 3 emulator under  
MESS and try out a few 3D graphics programs, but the problem is I  
don't remember what was out there in terms of 3D perspective games.   
There was a 3D tank battle game of some kind that ran on the CoCo 2.   
Does anyone remember what it was?  Rommel or some such?

And were there any 3D graphics programs on the CoCo 3?  Sockmaster's  
GLOOM comes to mind, but was there anything else?


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