[Coco] Tell me how to fix my 16 yrs ahead for my email scanner,

Brian Palmer bpa65117 at bigpond.net.au
Wed Oct 12 09:07:14 EDT 2005

Gidday Fellow Coco Users,

Tell me how to fix my 16 yrs in front email date and i would, i've tried to
fix it in my AVGFREE, but it can't be changed, seems to be a bug in the

To me it's abit of a laugh, i'll fix it , when i get a new  Anti-virus
program that is a 100% bug free. Seems i'm having too much fun , using DSK
files, i finally got across to real floppies, to worry about the date on the
email scanner.

Don't try and be funny and ask me the lotto numbers for the next 16 yrs, if
i knew, i would be paying all the old time coco programmers to make new
software to play around with.

Ps Stan, i'll be sending the Hard drive Controller card to you tommorrow,
sorry about the tardiness,
seems the last  month have been hectic on my wallet, so expect the card in the next 4 working days.
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