[Coco] Color Compter, Hard Disk Controller, etc

Grumpyx grumpyx at gmail.com
Tue Nov 15 09:50:33 EST 2005

Hey, Glen I don't have a problem shipping to Canada, just need to use PayPal
and contact me at the end for the postage amount. I didn't really consider
it on most of my stuff as most was fairly heavy. Some of the HD's and the TI
PEB's I sold all where around 50lbs. Of course the HD Controller doesn't
weigh much :)

 Anyway I wasn't trying to exclude ya, just had set my preferences with the
heavy stuff. Didn't think there would be much interest with shipping rate as
high as they are these days. I had a couple of people from California email
me mad about the calculated UPS rates on eBay. Not much I can do about it.
They decided not to bid.


On 11/15/05, Glen VanDenBiggelaar <glenvdb at hotmail.com> wrote:
> He, hasn't responded yet, But everyone PLEASE, have a bit of
> consideration.
> If you are going to Post items on E-bay, and announce it here on the
> fourms,
> Please offer to ship it to Canada, or specifically (nicely ) say that you
> will not ship out of the US. GOD Forbid if we Canadians refused to ship to
> the US, some people would be up in arms!!!!
> -Sorry for the off topic rant, but there is life north of 48 parallel.
> (And
> i am not trying to start a flame war).
> -Glen
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