[Coco] Announcement: CoCo Urbane Basic or, DECB a newbeginning (Perhaps). {CoCo - DECB}

Stephen H. Fischer SFischer1 at MindSpring.com
Tue Nov 15 04:09:29 EST 2005

Roger Taylor wrote:
> Hello Stephen,
> Could you please describe the exact steps we need to follow in order
> to use your Disk BASIC preprocessor, and kindly explain what the
> system can be used for, etc.?  A tutorial would be great.
>>  http://www.coco3.com/urbane
> Roger Taylor
> Longview, TX


Sure, but please understand that at this point you would be part of the

Just load the two web pages into your browser and save them as "Text Only".

Then with an editor, remove the first line which is the page title and not
part of the file.

Then transfer the files to your CoCo, I use the "PORT" utility to the CoCo 2

Then just 'LOAD "RUN-FILE.TXT"' followed by 'SAVE "URBANE.BAS"'
"RUN-FILE.TXT" is the text saved from the WEB Page "urbane.htm". The run
able DECB version.

Your program needs to have the name "UBN-IN.TXT" which you create with a
screen editor.

Then a 'RUN"URBANE"' will start the program reading "UBN-IN.TXT" and writing
the DECB version of your program to "UBN-OUT.TXT".

Then you can 'LOAD "UBN-OUT.TXT"' and then type 'RUN' to test your program.

The definition of the language is the ubnin.htm Web page. Only what is used
by this file has been tested. Feel free to try any of the DECB commands and 
Please report any problems (And Success) I may not be testing your favorites 
so if you want them to work, try them and report back.

If you have problems Roger, you have a CoCo "DSK" file that has the files
already to use with an emulator.

If anyone else wants to try this already, I can send them the ZIP file I
sent to Roger.

If there are many requests, I will ask Roger to make the ZIP file available
on the web page.
I have already changed the source and moved onto a new run version. You have
to put code into the run version before you change the source to use it. I
have already put code in that Flex's XPC will not allow.

Until now I was constrained by what was allowed by the Flex "XPC" Basic

Now that development has shifted to the CoCo (CoCo 2 Emulator for me
currently, but all real CoCo's and all the emulators should be just
fine), I can start on items that could not be done before.

I got the "CONSTANT" directive working for numbers a hour ago and
changed my source to use it. Checking to see that all is well with this
change is next.

I will not be getting the "CONSTANT" directive working for strings
quickly because I do not at this point know what I want it to do.

Include ASC_DOUBLE_QUOTE characters or not?
Do the double  ASC_DOUBLE_QUOTE dance where if you want the quotes you put
two in a row?

Flex XPC only allowed "_" in Variables and Line Labels. I want to add more
special characters and I am looking for those that are not used elsewhere in
DECB programs.

So if you or anyone else wants to help with the definition of the Language,
you and anyone else are welcome.

If I make all the decisions it will contain just what I need for the one
program I plan to write.

Stephen H. Fischer

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