[Coco] RE: [Color Computer] Looking for a Coco I 64k?

Arthur Flexser flexser at fiu.edu
Sun Nov 13 14:44:48 EST 2005

On Sun, 13 Nov 2005, Aaron Banerjee wrote:

> I've got an "F" board Coco I (actually, it's a "285" board, but you know
> what I mean) with 64K and ECB 1.0 over Color Basic 1.1.  I use a program
> to go into "All ram mode" (using a short ML program running in lower
> memory that copies ROM into the upper 32K of ram -- uses $FF22 bit 2 to
> switch memory type if I recall properly).  Seems to work quite nicely in
> 64K mode.  I'm not sure how any memory test in Color Basic 1.0 would know
> or care whether or not your chips were 32K or 64K chips running being run
> in 32K mode unless it deliberately did something Microsoftish such as
> detect for them and crash just to irritate you.

The problem was that Color Basic 1.0 only recognized 4K or 16K chips as
possibilities, and made no allowance for the possibility of 64K chips, whether
half good or all good.  There was something with the PIAs, I think, that is set
differently in the two cases, and Color Basic 1.1 added the 3rd case, 64K chips.


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