[Coco] wierd stuff

Willard Goosey goosey at virgo.sdc.org
Mon Nov 7 02:23:43 EST 2005

>From: "Glen VanDenBiggelaar" <glenvdb at hotmail.com>
>Date: Sun, 06 Nov 2005 18:02:11 -0700

>what are your thoughts on hooking an old AT P/S just 
>for the drives and retire the old transformer P/S all together?

I moved all three of my floppy drives and my hard drive into an XT
case many moons ago.  The only oddity is that it needed a motherboard
plugged in as well, just to pull a minimum load on the power supply.  

If you do as Gene suggests and run the entire CoCo off the AT power
supply I'm sure that wouldn't be a problem.

Willard Goosey  goosey at sdc.org
Socorro, New Mexico, USA
"I've never been to Contempt!  Isn't that somewhere in New Mexico?"
   --- Yacko

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