[coco] advice needed

John R. Hogerhuis jhoger at pobox.com
Tue Nov 1 23:26:47 EST 2005

On Tue, 2005-11-01 at 15:38 -0500, RJRTTY at aol.com wrote:
> coco people
>        I have investigated further and Robert  is right, there is
> the danger a piece of software or game could lock the screen out.
> Although the manual designates that signal as an input,
> SECB leaves it as an output by default.     A simple  program
> to poke 12 to &HFF22 and a holding loop to keep out of basic
> edit mode will cut the monitor.    Therefore, I have no  choice
> but to make the micro controller capable of receiving I2C
> data input.  

Well I think this is a more self contained design anyway, and your
device will be more adaptable to other vintage machines. You probably
just expanded your market a bit.

>   What I have done so far  uses only  about
> 14% of the programming memory on the controller so
> that is not a problem.   It's just going to be a little  more
> time before I can start shipping these things out.   I  can't
> wait till all I have to worry about is unit assembly.   It  will
> be like a vacation compared to development.

:-) Hey, you're doing the fun part now... the firmware. Much lower
stress than hardware since mistakes are much less costly than board
turns or little green wires...

-- John.

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