[Coco] Re: Someone might come to complain

John E. Malmberg wb8tyw at qsl.net
Sun May 1 11:47:19 EDT 2005

Kevin Diggs wrote:
> John,
>     You seem to know alot about this stuff. Can you tell me how to get 
> sendmail on my linux boxes to startup faster? I am not sure what it is 
> looking for but it spends ... minutes waiting for something during boot. 
> It finally gives up or backgrounds the search. I use sendmail because I 
> want my output from at and batch.

I do not know which John you are addressing this to, but LINUX is an 
area where I am close to being a novice.  The simple things that I do 
not know how to do with LINUX exceeds the more technical things that I do.

That said, most of the time that I have seen a network related slowdown 
issue is a problem in the DNS resolution and local hosts files.

This can cause delays as the each DNS that is either not functional or 
returning stale values must time out before the next DNS in the list is 

On my systems it usually means that the ISP's DNS servers assigns to me 
have changed, which happens about every 2 years.

Locally I use one of my OpenVMS systems as a caching DNS that only sends 
requests it can not resolve to the ISP's DNS.  This means that for the 
sites that I visit a lot, I do not usually have delays in resolving the 
I.P. address.

The downside is that I have never bothered to set up a script to verify 
that the DNS forwarding bind entries are up to date.  So periodically I 
have to make a tweak.

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