[Coco] The typical CoCo user is aged...?!?

Ward Griffiths wdg3rd at comcast.net
Sun Mar 27 15:29:01 EST 2005

On 03/27/2005 02:33 pm, Torsten Dittel wrote:
> I'd like to see kind of a demographic profile of today's CoCo-Nuts. Age?
> Profession? etc.
> I guess we have two generations here:
> The members of the "father generation" who were 40 to 55 years old 20
> years ago (they should be 60 to 75 now).
> The members of the "son generation" who were 15 to 25 years old 20 years
> ago (they should be 35 to 45 now).
> Anyone between out there between 45 and 60?

Certainly.  I didn't get  into micros until I got out of the USAF in '78, took 
a programming class at a community college (part of the requirements for a 
math major) and wound up involved with a TRS-80 (later renamed Model One).  
Got into the Color Computer when I went to work for RS in late 1980 as an 
instructor (later customer support rep).  The Coco has always been my 
favorite 8-bit hardware, though Tandy Xenix transformed my career and I 
expect to run Linux and its successors for the rest of my life.  Oh yeah, I 
turn 50 in two months.
Ward Griffiths				wdg3rd at comcast.net

For all the superficial parallels that can be drawn between Mssrs. Putin
and Bush, they made an oddly matched pair during their February 24
meeting in Bratislava, Slovakia. After all, it could be said, one of
them heads an increasingly authoritarian and lawless government that is
pursuing a radical vision of global revolution rooted in the teachings
of the Soviet Union's founders. The other is merely the president of the
Russian Federation.               -- William Norman Grigg, March 4, 2005

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