[Coco] Disk to PC

Robert Emery theother_bob at yahoo.com
Fri Mar 25 15:49:49 EST 2005

> I would like to transfer the documents to PC-compatible text files -- BASIC
> program listings, assembler listings, articles, etc. How do I do this?
> The emulators I have may be too old. WinTRS80 from March 1997 doesn't even
> read the virtual disks. David Keil's emulator from August 1999 doesn't read
> the files, either. Only Jeff Vavasour's one does, from February 1997, but
> it doesn't seem to have any conversion features.

PORT.EXE is the Vavasour tool to transfer files between file systems.

CoCo to PC is pretty painless... file attributes are read from the directory
and used to set proper settings. Select the floppy as the CoCo drive, then
select a PC directory as the target. Each file you double-click on the CoCo
disk will be transferred to the PC folder in the appropriate format.

> How can I send the output to a plain vanilla PC ASCII file? And even
> better, how can I do a *batch* conversion of BASIC programs, assembler
> listings, and articles without loading each and every one (100+ disks, two
> sides, with 5-20 files on each)?

Converting Basic to ASCII is the only thing that you should have to worry
about... LOAD then SAVE"filename",A

This would be tricky to automate, probably require an ML program using the
built-in ROM routines. Currently beyond my programming abilities.

If you put all the basic programs on public dsk images, some of us could pitch
in on converting to ascii.

BTW Dennis, it sounds like you could use a GUI disk browsing tool. Color FOG
will let you point and click and select multiple files to Copy. (requires
CoCo3, real or emulated)


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