[Coco] Re: "Historic" CD-i development systems...

jdaggett at gate.net jdaggett at gate.net
Sun Mar 20 22:48:52 EST 2005


I was responding to the speeds of the 68060 and not so much as to 
what processors the Mac's used. I have never owned a Mac so I 
really cannot comment on what processors were used or not used. I 
do know that a 060 processor board was done for the Amiga. 

the MC68060 runs at 50 and 60 MHz
the MC68LC060 runs at 50,  66,  and 75 MHz.
the MC68EC060 runs at 40, 50, 66, and 75MHz.

The EC and LC models do not have the FPU onboard and the EC 
does not have the FPU and MMU on board.


On 20 Mar 2005 at 20:59, Richard E. Crislip wrote:

From:           	"Richard E. Crislip" <rcrislip at neo.rr.com>
To:             	CoCoList for Color Computer Enthusiasts 
<coco at maltedmedia.com>
Date sent:      	Sun, 20 Mar 2005 20:59:05 +0600
Subject:        	[Coco] Re: "Historic" CD-i development 
Send reply to:  	rcrislip at neo.rr.com,
	CoCoList for Color Computer Enthusiasts 
<coco at maltedmedia.com>
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> I never knew that MACs used the 060. I thought they stopped with the
> 040 before moving on to the PPCs. The Amiga, however; did make use of
> the 060 and some of them were clocked at 75mhz. Mine runs at 50mhz.

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