[Coco] CLOAD without ?IO ERROR

Steve Ostrom smostrom at mn.rr.com
Tue Mar 1 22:17:48 EST 2005

Aaron, what a nice little Coco gem !  This will come in handy in my 
archiving efforts.  Thanks !!

-- Steve --

Aaron Banerjee wrote:

>I guess this might be sort of a mundane topic, but I just thought I'd put
>it out here in case anyone besides me needed it:
>If you happen to have found a few old coco tapes, and for some reason set
>up your coco to read them to see what was there, you may find that many of
>your 20 year old tapes don't load properly.  If you were loading a BASIC
>program (via CLOAD), you'd get nothing.
>Should you really want to see this program, type in the following program
>(which is basically a CLOAD without ?IO ERROR):
>1 FOR X = 42136 TO 42301
>2 POKE X-21136, PEEK(X)
>4 POKE 157,82
>5 POKE 158,8
>6 POKE 21075,33
>This works on Color BASIC 1.1, and Extended Color BASIC 1.0.  Not that
>anyone uses them anymore, but it is sort of a fun program.  Note that
>lines 4 and 5 define the exec vector -- that is, you could have deleted
>lines 4 and 5 and changed line 7 to EXEC 82*256 + 8.
>This little program is most certainly not the "be-all, end-all" of loading
>your unloadable programs off of tape.  You can (and probably will) get a
>lot of garbage in your BASIC programs, but at least you'll get
>             - Aaron

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