[Coco] Re: [Color Computer] Fw: Copyright

Michael Wayne Harwood michael at musicheadproductions.org
Sat Jul 9 12:41:47 EDT 2005

As I understand it quad layer dvd's are two sided dual-layer DVDs
(DVD-18's).  Since dual layer DVDs are more that 4 times more expensive
and not as prevalent I wasn't considering them as a possible media choice
for final product distribution.  I have not yet seen blank DVDR media in
the DVD-18 format.

Michael Harwood

> You are not considering quad-layer DVDs?
> My PC can read/write those even though I have not seen a source of them
> at the local stores.  I also have not seen a source of lightscribe DVDs.
> -John
> wb8tyw at qsl.network
> Personal Opinion Only

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