[Coco] Rainbow Magazine Article/Program List

John R. Hogerhuis jhoger at pobox.com
Fri Jul 1 16:32:23 EDT 2005

On Fri, 2005-07-01 at 13:57 -0600, Michael Wayne Harwood wrote:
> I am looking for a comprehensive article/program list for the Rainbow
> magazine.  I have seen references to "Steve McCoy's" site, but it looks like
> it is defunct.  I can scan, OCR, and proof-read articles lists from the
> magazines themselves in necessary, but I thought it might be nice not to
> have to.  
> Can anyone help?
> Regards,
> Michael Harwood

I think Rainbow magazine back issue volumes were sold in binders. IIRC,
there was also an index to go with them.

Also it's possible that indexes were printed in Rainbow (aside from
TOC), but I don't recall. Maybe in anniversary (I think July) issues?

At least with actual indexes you could avoid having to cull them out of
every TOC from each issue after the OCR is done.

-- John.

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