[Coco] Great quote!

Jim Cox jimcox at miba51.com
Thu Jul 21 17:15:28 EDT 2005

While it's not entirely CoCo related, I thought some of 
you would appreciate this quote from the Ethernut home 

"When I was your age, we had 8 bit CPUs! And we liked it! 
And we didn't complain!"


I honestly feel sorry for the kids learning computers and 
electronics today, they are missing out on so much.

I bet something similar was said by the old time tube 
heads about people of my generation.

To make this some what CoCo related, I would love to see 
an open sourced hardware project based on the 6X09 and the 
CoCo that included a few new things, be made vailable for 
the hobbiests out there.

Some how, black boxing everything takes the fun out of it.


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