[Coco][Color Computer] Anyone following the latest Microsoftand Linux debacles?

Ward Griffiths wdg3rd at comcast.net
Fri Jan 14 20:20:19 EST 2005

On Friday 14 January 2005 04:49 pm, Stephen Blunt wrote:
> I grew up and still cherish DOS. And now that I have found Dos 7.10
> that supports LFN and more memory, etc I'm even happier. But for my
> general home PC I doubt that I will stray from XP.
> Stephen Blunt
> 	I hate to be the odd man out, but I like my XP, and will always
> remain a loyal "Microsoft Man".
> 	-Glen
> 	-now where did i put that flame proof jacket?......

No accounting for taste.  And damned little bookkeeping.
Ward Griffiths				wdg3rd at comcast.net

Consider urinals and the Army.  They were never a problem, because men
regard the entire earth as a urinal in waiting.  The side of the road,
the middle of the road, a tree, the ocean -- they don't discriminate.
The way feminists see oppression everywhere, men see urinals.  It's a
design feature.			-- Fred Reed, www.fredoneverything.net

Brought to you by the 6809, the 6803 and their cousins! 
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