[Coco] Orphaned Works

John R. Hogerhuis jhoger at pobox.com
Fri Jan 28 19:46:25 EST 2005

The Copyright Office of the Library of Congress, at the request of
Senators Leahy and Hatch, are requesting comments on the problem of
Orphaned (Copyrighted) Works. 


It is my opinion that this is one of the most important legal problems
vintage computer users face. It is directly related to problems of
abandonware and orphaned computer books. It is fairly low risk to
distribute abandoned copyrighted works. But it is not zero risk.
Appropropiate legislation to deal with the problems surrounding
abandoned creative works are very welcome.

So please follow the link and write to the library of congress on this
issue, if it is of interest to you.

Also, there is a discussion going on Slashdot about this issue.



-- John.

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