[Coco] Happy New Year! +updates

Robert Emery theother_bob at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 4 22:23:06 EST 2005

Just thought I'd give y'all an update... 
first of all on a CoCo related note, the CoConut map has been updated:
Also I'm working on adding the names from the *huge* Glenside roster, color
coded somehow to show active coconuts.

On a personal note, my employment situation seems to be looking up as well.
Now... I've made some posts here that could be taken as evidence that I'm no
video engineer... *i-r-o-n-i-c-a-l-l-y* it turns out that... now I am! lol

I am working as the engineer for the broadcast journalism department at a local
college. They have a nice, fairly modern facility. It's temporary for now, but
I'm confident it will become my full-time position, and a dream-job at that. :)
Wish me luck.

Cheers everyone,
Bob Emery
theother_bob at yahoo.com

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