[Coco] CoCo MIDI company after Speech Systems?

Shawn M. Hedgecorth smh1 at wi.rr.com
Fri Feb 25 17:13:53 EST 2005

I was just looking through previous posts and came across this one:


>Does anyone remember the name of the company that came after Speech 
>Systems, which sold the CoCo MIDI interface and Lyra (Lester Hands)?
>If so, does anyone remember the name of the guy who ran it?  He had a 
>license plate, pictured in Rainbow one time, that read HD6809B or 
>something like that.
>My memory is very bad.  I used to speak to him from time to time, and 
>he even sold my Kawai K1 keyboard librarian program!
    -- Allen

Someone correctly identified Rulaford Research as the company. The person's
name was Cecil Houk. I met him sometime in '89 or '90 in San Diego.




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