[Coco] Expert C programmer wanted

Allen Huffman alsplace at pobox.com
Sun Feb 6 14:13:47 EST 2005

Someone mentioned a $50,000 price tag to pay for a compiler these 
days...  Of course, what we aren't considering is that any company 
doing such as thing would probably outsource it to India for a fraction 
of that ;-)  (Notice all the old 8-bit games that are now being sold on 
the shelves at CompUSA for cell phones and PDAs?  One programmer 
handled those in the olden days, so it's unlikely it would take more 
than one to do it today using modern tools, but the Cybiko had tons of 
games and they were all being done by engineers in ... Russia I think?) 

It would be nice to take existing 6809 C compilers and just modify them.

		-- Allen

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