[Coco] Was unix, now SSC Tracker (MiniHog)

Chris Spry bugster at cedarcomm.com
Wed Feb 2 15:43:53 EST 2005

Tried Pan and didn't like it.  Don't like the interface and I wouldn't be 
able to use it to make music for games that use the SSC.  But the SSC 
SoundTracker is more than halfway finished and finished with the interface 
last night, just have to get all the commands written and the format 
converter (the data is stored in a format that the program and the user can 
understand,  but when it is saved as SSC raw binary format or needs to be 
played through the SSC, the original data gets converted over to this format 
that the SSC understands and uses).  Then with some more testing it will be 
finished.  I even added a high/low speed toggle command in case there is 
someone who has a modified SSC pack.  That's great that you are willing to 
do the modification!  I was planning on doing modifications for people, 
using the information on how to convert it from coco3.com so you could hear 
the music while playing MiniHog (without it, all you would get are the sound 
effects, which will be done with the CoCo 3's DAC).  I already have the 
parts to do the mods.

-Chris from Vintage Fun World.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <KnudsenMJ at aol.com>
To: <coco at maltedmedia.com>
Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2005 1:35 PM
Subject: Re: [Coco] Was unix, now SSC Tracker (MiniHog)

> In a message dated 2/1/05 2:01:45 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
> jhoger at pobox.com
> writes:
>>  I am writing this program to create music easily with the  SSC
>> AND to write the music for MiniHog as well.  It's about time  somebody
> wrote
>> a program for the SSC to make music easily with  it.  Unless there is
>> something else out there for it that I  don't know about in some Rainbow
>> magazine, I wonder why it hadn't  been done before.
> I remember I bought an SSC from Radio Shack because I  wanted in on the
> whole Speech Synthesis hype (who didn't)... plugged it in,  fed a few
> sentences to it through BASIC, and it worked. And now  what?
> Back in the box it went.
> I didn't even realize it had any  other purpose beyond music.
> I know Radio Shack sold something called  Pan that allowed you to play
> music through the SSC, but I'd already taken  my cart back so I never got
> to try it.
> That cart (I had one too, and probably sold it a couple years ago) has a
> single stock AY-13xx music chip.  It can play three musical notes at once
> (square waves, with some attack-decay), plus some percussion effects made 
> with
> filtered white noise.
> If you accept the three-voice limitation, then you can have some fun with 
> it.
> But I never considered it worth supporting from UltiMusE.  Now that  Boisy
> and others have the UME sources, gang up on them if you want it :-) 
> Somewhere
> I have the docs for that chip, but it was thoroughly discussed at some 
> length
> right here a couple years ago (Torsten in Germany was heavily into  it).
> I sold someone recently (again, from this List) my Symphony-12 Pak that 
> had
> FOUR of those chips, for 12 voices.  Now that was a real instrument.
> "Pan" was a simple little program, actually the first OS-9 music 
> composer's
> program to support real musical notation.  Just barely.  --Mike  K.
> -- 
> Coco mailing list
> Coco at maltedmedia.com
> http://five.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/coco
> -- 
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