[Coco] special ramdisk needed...

Robert Emery theother_bob at yahoo.com
Sun Feb 13 10:15:47 EST 2005

Would it be possible to have a RamDisk that would supercede floppy drive 0, as
opposed to any higher drive number?

Why? To allow software that *only* works from drive 0 to be stored anywhere on
the hard drive. Then when you want to use the software, you could backup
whatever disk it's on to the RamDisk and then execute it from the pseudo drive

Another wish would be to cache 2 or 3 disks in RAM, which could then be swapped
into the drive 0 RamDisk with special keystrokes or something. This would allow
us to play multi-disk games from the hard drive.

Comments, digressions?


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