[Coco] OS-9 C compiler parts

KnudsenMJ at aol.com KnudsenMJ at aol.com
Tue Feb 1 00:58:13 EST 2005

In a message dated 1/31/05 3:55:25 AM Eastern Standard Time,  
goosey at virgo.sdc.org writes:

This recent talk about the OS-9 C compiler and it's pieces made  me
remember a question I had for the list...

What are all the newest  parts of a complete OS-9 dev. system?  I'll
list what I can think of  off the top of my head:

asm (part of NitrOS-9)
rma6309  (commercial)
cc2 (there are several of these to choose  from)
c.opt2 (anyone have any good  optimizer patterns for this?)

You should also have my CNoY, which slips in between c.comp (or c.pass2)  and 
c.opt, and gets rid of Y-relative addressing modes.  Makes for more  
efficient code to be run on a Coco3, OS9L2 ONLY (not Level One, where everything  
really does have to be PC relative).
It's been speculated that C.Opt2 could be patterned to do this, as well as  
de-SEX every operation involving a char/byte variable.
CNoY is available on RTSI.  I have the source handy, in case I never  put 
that up.
--Mike K.

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