[Coco] Re: Thoughts about going back to school full time.

James Hrubik jimhrubik at earthlink.net
Thu Dec 8 11:45:00 EST 2005

On Dec 8, 2005, at 11:00 AM, Dennis Bathory-Kitsz wrote:

> At 07:29 AM 12/8/05 -0800, Robert Emery wrote:
>> As much as I don't like soapboxing on OT issues, this is something  
>> thatreally
>> chaps my a$$! The fact that years of experience and demonstrated  
>> ability and
>> the human who posesses them are meaningless compared to some  
>> stupid little
>> pieces of paper is a travesty.
> Yup. Despicable. At age 56, I'm finally about to get my PhD. I just  
> had to
> do it, even though my thesis was nothing more than a representation  
> of work
> done on a particular project over the past 18 years. I have no  
> credibility
> without a PhD in my field of musical composition, believe it or  
> not. For
> regular academic invitations (to talk about my music), I need the  
> piece of
> paper. And those little presentations are really important to my  
> tiny wallet.
> Dennis

Too frequent a complaint.  I have my RAA, but to do any government  
work I have to have the SRA (which I'm working toward) from the  
Appraisal Institute.  And then, for most of the areas where my  
expertise would really count, like law enforcement (credit & bank  
fraud), the Feds won't hire anyone over 37 years old, and I'm 21  
years over their limit.  I can't say the piece of paper is totally  
meaningless, but in my review work I see plenty of reports, by people  
with earned designations, that have serious flaws in their reporting  
and analysis.  I also see beautiful work by people with fresh, new  
licenses, and no appraisal designations.

However, I love doing what I do, even if I can't be at the top of the  
food chain.  Jim Cox, follow your heart.  Do what you want to do, and  
if you have to be self-employed to do it, you can undoubtedly find a  
niche.  Go to school to learn what you see is important, and stay  
abreast of new developments.  That's why I love this list!  Even the  
OT stuff frequently contains some valuable gems.

+|||||||||  HRUBIK APPRAISAL SERVICES  ||||||||||+
+||||||||   James C. Hrubik, Sr., RAA   |||||||||+
+|||||||  Appraisal & Appraisal Review   ||||||||+
+||||||  Consulting & Litigation Support  |||||||+
+|||||||        V/F-(330)745-8435        ||||||||+
+||||||||    jimhrubik at earthlink.net    |||||||||+

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