[Coco] Re: Help - There that got your attention.

Dave Kelly daveekelly at earthlink.net
Sat Aug 13 22:54:16 EDT 2005

Gene Heskett wrote:
> I think those suggestions refer to useing dyndns.com, which is a
> service that essentially sets up your name so it only can be resolved
> by their dns servers(points the rest of the worlds servers at theirs
> for authoritative answers), all made to work in pretty close to
> realtime by having you 'put me online' script grab the ip address
> your are given and forwarding it to dyndns, at which point your name
> will resolve, albeit a second or so slower due to the indirection
> involved.

SilverNail:/tmp# dnsdomainname -v
Resolving `dave' ...
Result: h_name=`dave'
Result: h_aliases=`dave'
Result: h_aliases=`dave.Belkin'
Result: h_addr_list=`'
Result: h_addr_list=`'

http://danasoft.com/ and https://www.grc.com/x/ne.dll?bh0bkyd2
both tell  me that my IP address is

I'm going to show some of the setting. Maybe you can spot something to 
get me back on the right tract.

Using the command line 'dsndomainname -i' tells me this computer is 
The sign for 'Danasoft' that you put in your signature and 
http://www.grc.com/default.htm tell me that I am

Here are some of the settings to my Belkin router firewall

Version Info
      Firmware Version 4.05.03
      Boot Version   2.01.09
      Hardware   F5D7230-4
      Serial No.   BEL1HWZG

LAN Settings
      LAN/WLAN MAC   00:11:50:34:F7:78 / 00:11:50:34:F7:79
      IP address
      Subnet mask
      DHCP Server   Enabled
Internet Settings
     WAN MAC address   00:11:50:34:F7:78
     Connection Type   Dynamic
      Subnet mask
     Wan IP
     Default gateway
     DNS Address

     NAT   Enabled
     Firewall Settings   Enabled
     SSID   belkin54g
     Security   Disabled

The DMZ feature allows you to specify one computer on your network to be 
placed outside of the NAT firewall. This may be necessary if the NAT 
feature is causing problems with an application such as a game or video 
conferencing application. Use this feature on a temporary basis. The 
computer in the DMZ is not protected from hacker attacks. To put a 
computer in the DMZ, enter the last digits of its IP address in the 
field below and select "Enable". Click "Submit" for the change to take 
effect. More Info

      IP Address of Virtual DMZ Host >
      Static IP    Private IP    Enable
1.   Enabled

This one I did not completly understand or even if it would apply.

  Firewall > Virtual servers

      This function will allow you to route external (Internet) calls 
for services such as a web server (port 80), FTP server (Port 21), or 
other applications through your Router to your internal network. More Info

Add     ( This  looked like a list of online games )
Clear entry
      Enable    Description    Inbound port    Type    Private IP 
address     Private port
1.                                                         TCP         - 
       192.168.2.   -
2.                                                      TCP        - 
                    192.168.2.   -

Here is the one change I made to the 'los_fw' file.

start /sbin/iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --syn --dport   80 -j ACCEPT   # HTTP

This was in the script file. Does it have any revelance?

  # Grant access to everyone

   start /sbin/iptables -A INPUT -p all -j ACCEPT
   start /sbin/iptables -A OUTPUT -p all -j ACCEPT

Anyone got any idea what I need to do to get around this dynamic 
connection I  have to the internet?

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