[Coco] Adventures in resetting up...

Robert Emery theother_bob at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 24 10:26:49 EDT 2005

> William Astle done said:
> > Now all I need is another 360K floppy drive to put into my PC.

uhhh... why? Doesn't Drivewire give you similar functionality
without the hassle of physical media transfers?

> Have you thought about installing Curtis Boyle's upgraded Multi-Vue on
> your hard drive? It really sings on a hard drive under NitrOS-9.
> If you're interested, I can help you get Multi-Vue set up on the
> hard drive. There are a few steps involved. Let me know.

I think a lot of us are interested Fred. Can you throw a tutorial
webpage together? The world would be a better place for it!


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