[Coco] [Color Computer] Load files .bas

Robert Emery theother_bob at yahoo.com
Sat Apr 9 12:56:50 EDT 2005

--- Pierre Fortin <pierrefortin at altern.org> wrote:
> Ok tim,
> Avec le programme "Port.exe", seule les fichiers .dsk sont visible, 
> comment faire pour voire le fichier "GET3ROM.BAS"?
> Merci
> English:
> With the program " Port.exe ", only files .dsk are visible, how even the 
> file " GET3ROM.BAS "?
> Thank you


I hope this translates ok... I'd translate it myself, but I'd probably pick a
translator that would tell you "my hovercraft is full of eels."

When you run PORT.EXE, the first thing to do is select a CoCo diskette that you
want to read and write files to. You can use a real diskette in the floppy
drive, or a virtual one such as "diskname.dsk". You can type A: (or B: or
diskname.dsk) and press Enter and you should see the contents of the CoCo
diskette in the middle column.

I will assume you have a 5.25" disk drive on the CoCo and the PC, and you want
to use a real diskette, since you need to use GET3ROM.BAS on a real CoCo3. You
may need to tell you computer BIOS that the 5.25" drive is a 720K 3.5" drive.
This is due to an error in Jeff V's emulator. This has been corrected by John
Collyer, who has released an updated CoCo3 emulator based on Jeff's.

After PORT.EXE starts and you have a CoCo diskette directory in the middle
column, use the right side column to choose files on the PC that you want to
copy to the CoCo diskette.

.BAS files on the PC side may be ASCII or tokenized basic (binary). Open the
BAS file in a text editor. If you can read it, it is ASCII. If it looks like
garbage, it is tokenized Basic. You must use the appropiate setting or the CoCo
won't be able to read the file.

Keep trying, we'll help you get it working!

Bob Emery

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