[Coco] Kent D. Meyers CoCo Book of Remebrance

brjeremy brjeremy at juno.com
Thu Apr 7 13:56:53 EDT 2005

Dear Friends:

I was saddened to hear of Kent's death. I have two photos of Kent and myself
togther, taken several years apart, Kent in his famous plaid shirt and my in
my habit. We used to joke and say that anyone who ever saw either of us must
have thought we only owned one set of  clothing apiece. I always enjoyed
seeing him and always found him to be willing to share his time, expertize,
and friendship.

On Sunday, April 17, as has become a Fest custom for what I think is now the
13th or 14th time, I will be officiating at a celebration of Holy Communion.
During a particular part of the service, the Prayers of the People, when all
present are invited to offer their Prayers and Thanksgivings, there is a
place for the mention of the Departed. There are a few names which come to
mind, such as Kent, Al Dages, and Phyllis Chasteen. If there are other names
that we should remember, or for that matter any other prayer request, either
email them to me care of the list or brjeremy at juno.com. Even better yet give
them to me in person at the Fest.

With all best wishes,
Brother Jeremy, CSJW
brjeremy at juno.com

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