[Coco] Gadgets

Roger Merchberger zmerch at 30below.com
Tue Apr 5 18:28:24 EDT 2005

Rumor has it that Mannequin* may have mentioned these words:
>On Tue, 5 Apr 2005 18:07:26 -0400
>"billg" <cwgordon at charter.net> wrote:
> > "Back in the day", when CoCo was King (at least in our eyes), my system had
> > a 'lowercase converter' kit installed that allowed true lowercase 
> instead of
> > inverse video.
> >
> > Does anyone still make this, or are there schematics so someone COULD make
> > it?
> >
> > So far, I have a 128K CoCo3, Disk Controller, RS232 Pak, and a couple of
> > cassette cables as my CoCo inventory.  For a monitor, I have an AD/DC 5"
> > portable TV.
>Isn't there a POKE for doing this on a 32 width screen without any special
>hardware on a Coco 3? I think I used to do this in some of my programs, which
>are currently not available for me to take a look at...

Correct. Also true with some of the later CoCo2 machines that had a newer 
version VDG in it -- the lower case kit was used on earlier CoCo2s and 
there may have been a version for the CoCo1's, but I don't think they could 
be switched between versions.

After I purchased OS-9 Level II (which automatically went to the 32x16 
lowercase screen on boot) I rarely did much in RSDOS, so I don't know the 
pokes/process offhand, either.

Roger "Merch" Merchberger

Roger "Merch" Merchberger   | A new truth in advertising slogan
SysAdmin, Iceberg Computers | for MicroSoft: "We're not the oxy...
zmerch at 30below.com          |                         ...in oxymoron!"

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