[Coco] Re: [Color Computer] Re: Adapter from Coo3 to SVGA

Torsten Dittel Torsten at Dittel.info
Tue Apr 5 18:13:00 EDT 2005

>         The coco3 has a 4.7k pullup resistor on that line........and
> the I2C specification for the BIDIRECTIONAL data line for these chips calls
> for a 4.7k pullup resistor .

What kind of data could the CoCo *receive* from the Chip? Is there kind 
of a handshake (like XON/XOFF)? Could the chip report its settings to 
the CoCo?

>        The only down side to this is the need to redsign the cable.
> We will have to use an alternate plug and socket combination.

I was always planning to make an AL design which fits exaxtly in this 
spare place of the CoCo3's bottom and connects directly using an Flat 
Ribbon IDC 10-Contact Socket Connector and a *very* short cable (if 
necessary at all, I don't know if there's a conector which could be 
soldered directly to the adaptor's PCB) to optimize picture quality.

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