[Coco] Re: Magnavox RGB Monitor 80

John R. Hogerhuis jhoger at pobox.com
Sat Sep 25 01:58:52 EDT 2004

On Fri, 2004-09-24 at 11:04, Richard E. Crislip wrote:

> Oh yeaaahh. It should work perfectly if has the din connector. Try it,
> you'll like it.


I poked around on google, and I can't find the pinout. Also, where is a
good place to find DIN connectors?

   x     x
  x   x   x
  x       x

Wasn't sure whether to count the hole at the top of the plug... it's a 9
pin cable if you count that.

I suppose the Coco 3 header will be easy enough to find on Mouser...

-- John.

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