[Coco] Disto SUper Controller 2

alsplace at pobox.com alsplace at pobox.com
Fri Sep 24 16:50:22 EDT 2004

I had (AND LOVED) a Disto SUper Controller 2.  I ran a BBS using it, 
and two 80 track floppy drives.  OS-9 in no-halt mode was great.

You needed special OS-9 drivers for no-halt mode, and disk basic was 
still halt (normal compatibility mode), but the OS-9 stuff was great.

Once I got a hard drive, it was no longer a big deal for floppies to 
halt so I think I gave my DS2 to Sub-Etha co-founder, Terry Todd.  
Later I gave him my B&B HD setup after I moved to KenTon SCSI but I 
don't think he ever powered up a CoCo again by that point :-(

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