[Coco] DCModem Pak to RS232 conversion posted

Neil Morrison neilsmorr at hotpop.com
Thu Sep 23 22:11:25 EDT 2004

Yes, you could use one of these. Probably

 A232DBA - Assembled $18 without hood
 A232DBH - Assembled with /Hood kit   $20.00
 A232DBK - Kit of all parts $13.00  without hood

But you can buy the parts from Allelectronics.com for about $5 plus a $6.00
shipping and handling fee.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John R. Hogerhuis" <jhoger at pobox.com>

> The design depends on a simple level converter pcb that was sold by
> CocoPRO!
> One of these kits might do as the level converter circuit board though:
> Any hardware types can say whether one of these kits could be used?
> -- John.

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