[Coco] DCM -> rs232 was Re: Direct Connect Modem Pak

Ray Watts rayanddoraleew at earthlink.net
Mon Sep 20 12:57:36 EDT 2004

Arthur Flexser wrote:

>On Sun, 19 Sep 2004, Rod Barnhart wrote:
>>It was definately a Marty Goodman article from Rainbow. I was looking
>>for my archive of Rainbox the other day, because I ran across the
>>modem pack, and was going to do the mod... Seems that I have several
>>boxes of CoCo stuff that has gone missing :(
>Most likely, then, it was posted in the Delphi data libraries.  Didn't somebody
>archive those?

It was the July 1991 edition of Rainbow.  I just finished scanning the 4 
pages and converting them to PDF.  Unforch, there was so much color and 
gray shading to the article that a readible PDF ended up at 10mb, a 
little hefty for up and downloading.  Converted them to medium 
compression JPG, which reduced their size considerably.  If anyone still 
wants them, I can send them in as attachments on a msg to the list.

Cheers,  Griz

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