[Coco] Re: Using a Palm as a CoCo disk device.

mmarlett at isd.net mmarlett at isd.net
Fri Sep 17 10:47:08 EDT 2004


Boisy is the author/creator of this....Boisy?

>On Thu, 2004-09-16 at 22:00, Allen Huffman wrote:
>> That is very, very cool.  Now, would there be a way to do this for 
>> Palms without memory cards?  Like, make a Palm database and use it, 
>> then it could sync with the PC/Mac and be backed up there?
>Yes, in fact DLPilot actually can't use the flash card slot just yet. It
>writes PalmDoc files to the Palm's memory. It actually also does the
>necessary line-ending 0d0a -> 0a conversions as the Model 100 writes the
>packets, and reverses the conversion on the fly as the M100 reads it
>back in.
>> How fast can a Palm serial port go?
>My Palm Vx can go to 115,200
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