[Coco] OT: Ballmergram - Linux TCO

John R. Hogerhuis jhoger at pobox.com
Thu Oct 28 22:53:14 EDT 2004

On Thu, 2004-10-28 at 19:36, KnudsenMJ at aol.com wrote:

> Could you tell us what TCO stands for?  Probalby obvious once I hear it, but 
> this Linux user wants to know.  --Mike K.

Total cost of ownership.

The point of this term regarding Linux is that Linux has no price tag,
but to deploy any complex piece of software also takes man hours of
work, possibly replacing equipment, cost of support contracts, etc.

Microsoft attempts (unsuccessfully in my opinion) to make the case that
Windows has a lower TCO than Linux.

-- John.

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