[Coco] [Color Computer] OT: WAV to WMA

John R. Hogerhuis jhoger at pobox.com
Sun Oct 10 22:08:21 EDT 2004

On Sat, 2004-10-09 at 14:32, Neil Morrison wrote:
> Windows Media Player will rip tracks from CDs to .wma files, but how do you
> get it to convert .wav files from a hard drive to .wma files? Hanged if I
> can figure it out.
> NM

Dare I ask the question, why one should want to?

I dare... :-)

Personally there is only one format that I rip to : FLAC. This is a
compressed, lossless format with an open source codec, and no patent
encumbrances. It gets you to about 65% of the size of a WAV file with no
loss of quality whatsoever.

Then I encode to lossy formats: OGG, SPEEX, or MP3 depending on the
device they will be played on.

I've never had reason to encode to WMA. If I err, I tend to err on the
side of avoiding any Microsoft created standard since all of their
solutions seem to be vendor-lock-in plays.

-- John.

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