[Coco] 360K drives

Neil Morrison neilsmorr at hotpop.com
Fri Nov 12 17:02:11 EST 2004

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John Donaldson" <jadonaldson at charter.net>

> >Which emulator are you using? Are these genuine 360K floppy disks?

> I am using JC version of the JC emulator, since it is 6309 compatable
> and yes the drive and floppy are
> both real 360K drive and floppy.  Like I said, I can use either
> DSKINI.exe or RETRIEVE.exe and
> those work OK.

I use the Vavasour emulator (Coco 2) and it all works fine. I know that some
computer hardware may not work, but my old box does, even with a 1.2 Mb


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