[Coco] Reminder: Halloween Party (Chat) tomorrow night 7:PM PDT

Mannequin* mannslists at invigorated.org
Mon Nov 1 18:00:41 EST 2004

On Mon, 01 Nov 2004 11:03:05 -0800
Kevin Diggs <kevdig at hypersurf.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> 	What about naked XXs?
> 	So ... are you gonna vote for the "jobs" president?
> 					kevin


I'm voting for the candidate that DIDN'T promise to raise taxes by $800 billion.
I'm voting for the person who isn't for destroying the innocent life of an
unborn child. I'm voting for the guy responsible for taking out two evil
anti-western governments. I'm voting for the man in office that has
lowered taxes, and helped bring the economy back from the mud-slide that it was
in (DESPITE what the press says, the economy is doing great.) I'm voting for the
Christian man that prays to G-d everyday for guidance and reads from His Word.

So, in answer to your question, yeah, I'm voting for Bush. When confronted with
the other candidate who is wolf dressed up in sheep's clothes, I have no other

The prospect of anyone voting for Kerry sickens me to the core. Even if I base
my choice on just one issue, I can't vote for the guy. Anyone who thinks it's
okay to mutilate and murder a child is nothing better than a murderer.
(Especially when it involves cutting the neck of an unborn baby and sucking
his/her brains out. THAT is *evil* to the core.)

On a side note, I can't vote for anyone who is a sports poser, anyway. ;)


> Mannequin* wrote:
> > 
> > For one, I don't care to visualize naked men no matter what they are doing.
> > 
> > Next, I'm more of a Republican than anything, so, I don't care to see a
> > naked Libertarian man in my mind's eye even more. ;) (BTW, I vote on
> > conscience, NOT party.)
> > 
> > -M.
> > 
> -- 
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> Coco at maltedmedia.com
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